
Dali´s surrealism gets back to Centre Pompidou Paris after three decades

The Centre Pompidou in Paris is delighting us once again, this time with a retrospective exhibition on Dali´s masterworks, not only including paintings but esculptures, installations and writings through which the Spanish genious from Figueras showed his great intuition to create artistic trends and go beyond art as  it was conceived in his times, understanding that art was going to be seen over paintings or other individual disciplines but shaking them up together as never before.

Funny appearance of Dali on “What´s my line?”, the 50´s American TV game show

During 2012, the Centre pompidou has reached 3.8 million tourists attracted by its succesful temporary exhibitions, such us the ones of Henri Matisse, Gerhard Richter and Dali´s masterworks showcase, as it was announced by the museum last December 26. Those visitors mean a 6% increase between 2011 and 2012, going on the positive tendency from the last years thanks to this kind of temporary exhibitions like Dali´s, the Spanish great painter and absolute leader of surrealist painting worldwide.

Dali´s exhibition is getting 6700 visitors daily since its opening last November 21 and the organizers hope it keeps on this way until March 25, when it will be closed to the public to move it to the Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid (April 24 – September 2 2013).

Dali at Centre Pompidou by Centre Pompidou Virtuel

And here it is, our humble New Year´s gift for all the kids that still remain in you : the amazing 6 minutes short film “Destino”, by Walt Disney and Salvador Dali in 1946 (that is the definitive Dream Team…)

Though it is true that they finally released just 20 seconds, Dali left all the necessary sketches and instructions to follow up, it was in 2003 when Roy Disney and the producer Baker Bloodworth based their work on them to make Disney and Dali´s dream come true. No doubt, it is a cartoon masterwork, result of the talent of two of the greatest genious in 20th century.

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  • http://www.facebook.com/clarke.riedy Clarke Riedy

    Rarely has anyone attempted so much, and exceeded his own ambition by such a wide margin.

  • Patou Fathallah

    Thank you :)

  • Gh Astileanu


  • admin

    Thanks for your positive comments. Dali was absolutely amazing in everything he did -not only his works but his way of life- and it´s not easy to be so free to decide what you are as an artist.