Tag Archives: museums

Jack Goldstein at the Jewish Museum NY 8

Jack Goldstein´s hyperrealistic paintings, at the Jewish Museum NY

In the 80´s, Jack Goldstein´s photorealist paintings of lightning storms and other luminous phenomena made an indelible impression. Goldstein made copies from photographs and got images of spectacular and ephemeral events, usually against night skies. The final untitled paintings became … Continue reading

Tagged , , , , 23.08.2013

“Humble and colossal” impressionism by Camille Pissarro

The Thyssen Museum in Madrid brings us this summer the exhibition of 79  Pisarro’s paintings, chronologically ordered by the places he used to live in and which inspired his work. The big walnut in Eragny Pissarro was born in Santo … Continue reading

Tagged , , , 10.07.2013
La mort et le fossoyeur_Carlos Schwabe

Merci encore, Musée d’Orsay! Welcome back to Goya, Ernst, Poe, Munch, Frankenstein, Tim Burton and The Cure

We´re specially glad to write this post after some weeks looking for a reason to slowdown and look back at the “dark side of the art”, at those paintings that remind us how fragile we are, how much fear there … Continue reading

Tagged , , , , 15.03.2013

Las Meninas or The Maids of Honour… by Velázquez or by Picasso?

In the summer of 1957, Pablo Picasso (honorary director of the Museo Nacional del Prado in Madrid at the time), turned the third floor of La Californie, his house in Cannes on the South of France, into a studio. While … Continue reading

Tagged , 23.01.2013

Robert Adams, the great American storyteller, in his first photography European tour, at the Reina Sofia Museum, Madrid

The Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid takes advantage in 2013, among the exciting panorama of exhibitions that will delight fans of art and tourists in Spain for the next months, with a showcase of photography by the American Robert Adams … Continue reading

Tagged , , , 20.01.2013

The simbolism of Paul Gauguin at the Thyssen Museum Madrid: from stockbroker to a bohemian life in Tahiti

Paul Gauguin´s life is as exciting as his own works, due to his constant aim to discover new borders over the vie bourgeoise he knew in Paris, over the limits of his admired Pissarro´s impresionism and over the realism he … Continue reading

Tagged , , 03.01.2013

Dali´s surrealism gets back to Centre Pompidou Paris after three decades

The Centre Pompidou in Paris is delighting us once again, this time with a retrospective exhibition on Dali´s masterworks, not only including paintings but esculptures, installations and writings through which the Spanish genious from Figueras showed his great intuition to … Continue reading

Tagged , , , 30.12.2012